Thursday, February 28, 2008

Paddock Padlock

What is it with the Sens and stupid moves. You fired your coach after the trade deadline. WHAT why, your team is in 2nd place in the east and you fire your coach. Only the Devils can pull that off. I dont know why Ottawa thinks its Montreal or Toronto, they arnt, they dont have the kind of press that real NHL cities have, where the press is all over the team. I almost wounder if Ottawa looks down the 40 and the 401 and says "gezz they make moves when in this situation maybe i should" OK YOU ARNT MONTREAL or Toronto and you really dont want to be.
Dont fire your coach just cuz you think your supposed too. Plus Paddock was not the problem, in my opinion it was the Goalie situation, the team was falling apart because the goalie situation was rotting the Locker room.

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