Sunday, March 2, 2008

March Maddness!

So i know we have all heard this debate before BUT... why does the division lead in the NHL mean anything! for anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about lets look at todays standings in the east (top 8):
1 Montreal Canadiens* 66 GP 81 PTS
2 Pittsburgh Penguins* 67 GP 81 PTS
3 Carolina Hurricanes* 68 GP 73 PTS
4 Ottawa Senators 66 GP 80 PTS
5 New Jersey Devils 66 GP 80 PTS
6 Boston Bruins 64 GP 76 PTS
7 New York Rangers 66 GP 76 PTS
8 Philadelphia Flyers 66 GP 74 PTS

ok so everything looks right EXCEPT WHY IS CAROLINA in 3rd seems to me they should be in 8th.
Why does the NHL reward teams that are in crap divisions by giving them home ice advantage. I like what the NBA has done and giving the division leaders in the top 4 but in my opinion the division leader should be given a playoff spot and that’s it no more no less.
Its time we put an end to division leaders getting 3ed place automatically!
later dayz
ps GO HABS GO 1st in the East baby!

1 comment:

Nick the Great said...

The idea of the divisional winner being guaranteed a playoff spot is to keep interest alive in places that have teams that would otherwise not make the playoffs. It is to help sustain a fan base. Far or not, it is here to stay in some form.