Tuesday, February 26, 2008


WHAT was that!
All Montreal Did was get a 2nd round draft pick FOR OUT STARTING GOALIE!
idonno what Gainey was thinking ill take my roommate up on his offer to rip down Gainey's banner from the rafters!! ahhh
ok so Trade deadline turned into a bust.
I just sit back and wonder what some GM's are thinking sometimes!
AHHH i cant even write correctly frigget
GO OLIERS LOL! at least they didnt make there team is the same as it was at the start of the day
later dayz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would you have liked to see them trade away, Higgins, Ryder, a prospect and a pick for Hossa, who would leave at the end of the year.. no? Go after Brian Campbell.. wouldnt happen.. there was not to much Gainey could do..