Monday, February 25, 2008

Get rid of the song from my arena!

OK so this is my rant for now!
Why do we have a national anthem before hockey games in Canada or in any North American sporting event, but mainly hockey.
Most of the players on American teams don’t give a shit about the American National Anthem, or any player who is not playing in there home country.
Why do we have to have a song that doesn’t really mean much to the players played at every game
Do it the way international sports does is, only after a national championship.
Also why is it such a big deal when people don’t stand for a national anthem out of protest. Im sorry if you are a separatist in Quebec and you dont stand for the Canadian national anthem why does that matter, i don’t understand why people get so mad at people not agreeing with each other. Oh its disrespectful, WELL THATS THE POINT!
So next time the USA invades another country for oil i say BOO the star spangled banner!
There is nothing wrong with that
Later dayZ

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