Friday, March 19, 2010

Here we go again!

So i probably should of blogged when i was at the 2010 Olympics, but alas...

So school is ending, Olympics are over... so that means i have three things to look forward to...

1. MLB Season: I look forward to the boys of summer being back, sit back and watch some good baseball...

2. NHL Playoffs: Habs are making a late season run, and it should be a good ending... now I'm finally getting into the season, for some reason this season has not sparked my interest, but this should be a good ending.

3. CFL Season: This is my league! this will be my first year as an Alouettes Season Ticket Holder, so im pumped for our run to win back to back Grey Cups!

So the next few months should be some good sports action.

On other news my song of the week... or month haven't decided...

Now before you guys all bug me about being a Nickelback fan... Im not... I just love this song, its a great stadium anthem and a good rock song. I heard it for the first time at the Closing Ceremonies and I was impressed.

Till next time
Later dayz

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